29 NOV 2016 by ideonexus

 Earthseed 61-65

61. What others say Beware:All too often,We sayWhat we hear others say.We thinkWhat we’re told that we think.We seeWhat we’re permitted to see.Worse!We see what we’re told that we see.Repetition and pride are the keys to this.To hear and to seeEven an obvious lieAgainAnd again and againMay be to say it,Almost by reflexThen to defend itBecause we’ve said itAnd at last to embrace itBecause we’ve defended itAnd because we cannot admitThat we’ve embraced and defendedAn obvious lie. â€...
Folksonomies: religion earthseed
Folksonomies: religion earthseed
  1  notes
29 NOV 2016 by ideonexus

 Earthseed 1-10

1. God is Change All that you touchYou Change. All that you ChangeChanges you. The only lasting truthIs Change. GodIs Change. ∞ = Δ 2. Prodigy Prodigy is, at its essence,adaptability and persistent,positive obsession. Withoutpersistence, what remains is anenthusiasm of the moment. Withoutadaptability, what remains maybe channeled into destructivefanaticism. Without positiveobsession, there is nothing at all. ∞ = Δ 3. A gift of God A gift of GodMay sear unready fingers ∞ = Δ 4. We sha...
Folksonomies: religion earthseed
Folksonomies: religion earthseed
  1  notes